The alcoholic mash collected through fermentation process is first fed to the distillation column. Here, the crude alcohol is extracted from the mash and only alcohol –free liquid remains behind. The crude alcohol is purified and concentrated up to at least 95 percent by volume. The distillation columns and rectification procedures are used for separation of impurities and undesired chemical reactions.

However, just by mixing alcohol and water and heating it will not give the extra neutral alcohol. As the boiling point of alcohol is less than water, it evaporates faster than water. Therefore, the distillation process comes into the picture. Over the years, civilization has evolved and developed basic tools for distillation known as „stills‟ which enables us to use the different boiling point and collect alcohol vapors.

After completion of one distillation process, 25-45% alcohol by volume is generated and continuous distillation results into an odorless and colorless liquid, which is known as extra neutral alcohol. The temperature range selected during distillation is selected carefully as it affects the quality of the product. Upon careful dilution, various beverages such as gin, vodka, rum and whiskey are manufactured. This process may sound complicated but it can be performed in homes with some supervision and care.